Sterling Silver Created Turquoise Large Oval Ring


Sterling Silver Created Turquoise Large Oval Ring

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Make a statement with this Created Turquoise ring, measuring 15mmx11mm, this will definitely not be missed.

Please note: Resized items are non-refundable.


  • Length: Mq
  • Materials: Sterling silver
  • Sub category: Rings

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Sterling Silver Created Turquoise Large Oval Ring

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Quality: 5/5
Price: 5/5
Value: 5/5
Would you recommend this product to others?: Yes
Silver Turquoise ring

Thank you Shiels for the most beautiful Turquoise ring. A simple,classic style that will never date. lt looks beautiful on my finger and seems to be made well, not a thin band of silver, with a decent size stone that's not too big.
So happy with my purchase :)

Turquoise girl
Quality: 5/5
Price: 5/5
Value: 5/5
Would you recommend this product to others?: Yes

I purchased this ring online and couldn't really work out the sizing shields has on their site unfortunately it came and it's way to small just fits my pinky finger to much of a hassle to try and send it back as it has to be posted and can't return it in store just hoping I can take it to a jewellers and get it made bigger.
But it is a super cute ring and I do love it just wish it came in bigger sizes

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