How To Untangle A Necklace

How To Untangle A Necklace

Caitlyn Rugless Caitlyn Rugless
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One of the most frustrating things that can happen with your necklaces is for a knot to form in the chain. While some knots seem to unravel themselves or take one quick tug to completely untangle, sometimes it will take more work to get a knot free. When you first research ‘how to untangle a necklace’ you will be overwhelmed with information and some rather unconventional tips and tricks. We’re here to simplify the whole process to make sure that you can free your chain without damaging your special jewellery pieces. 

Many people will suggest that you either soak your jewellery in baby oil, dish soap, or baby powder. While this process can be effective in loosening a knot, you also run the risk of tarnishing and discolouring your favourite jewellery. 

When untangling a knot, there are some easy tips that can help you to loosen the knot without causing further damage or even making the knot even tighter. Read on or watch our video for even more information!


Two ways to untangle a necklace

How to untangle a loose knot in a necklace 

Untangling a necklace can seem like a frustrating task, but there are few things to consider to make it easier. First, find yourself 2 pointy tools such as a toothpick, sewing pin or needle.

  1. Lay your necklace on a flat, solid surface.
  2. While some people like to keep the necklace clasped, we have found that it is much easier to untangle chains when the clasp is unhooked. So go ahead and unhook the necklace clasp.
  3. We suggest removing pendants from a necklace to make the untangling process much easier!
  4. Find the centre and gently rub the knot between your fingers to loosen it. 
  5. Use your two tools to separate the chain knots. Be cautious with using sharp sewing needles so that you do not scratch your jewellery. 
  6. Focus on the centre of the knot, and pull it apart to expand the knot.

how to untangle a necklace easily

How to untangle a tight knot in a necklace chain

Now while some knots will prove to be easy to untangle, others will be more stubborn. For pesky knots that just don’t seem to want to budge, you don’t need to worry. We’re going to round up an easy step by step guide that is sure to make untangling your necklace possible. 

  1. Soak the chain in warm, soapy water. 
  2. Once the knot is loosened, it’s time to prepare to untangle the chain. Lay the necklace on a flat surface. 
  3. Attempt to separate the knot with your fingers. 
  4. Use a small, thin tool such as a needle or safety pin and insert it into the knot. Create a circular motion to loosen the tangle. 
  5. Pull out a section of the knot and it should unravel. 

And, there you have it! Two easy solutions on how to untangle a necklace. If you are still struggling to untangle a necklace chain, you can always take your necklace to a professional jeweller (like Shiels) for assistance. And, if you’re on the hunt for a new necklace, Shiels has a wide selection of diamond necklaces, silver necklaces, pearl necklaces, gold necklaces, and more! Shop necklaces online or in-store today. 

How to untangle necklaces: FAQs 

How do you move jewellery without it getting tangled?

The best ways to ensure your jewellery doesn’t get tangled whilst travelling include: 

  1. Storing in a jewellery box
  2. Storing smaller jewellery in small separate containers or pill compartments
  3. Threading your necklaces through a straw 

Why do necklaces get so tangled?

The most common cause for tangled necklaces is because they’re moved around with other jewellery pieces or accessories. The best way to avoid this is by hanging up your necklaces or storing them separately in a jewellery box. 

How do I wear two necklaces at once without them getting tangled?

If you’re looking to enhance your style with two necklaces but don’t want to run into the issue of getting them tangled, make sure to wear a lighter chain with a heavier chain or pendant. The separate weights will deter them from tangling with each other. 

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